Sunday, August 12, 2007

Expose!!! Odex Director!! Stephen Sing!

Well, as much as i hate to blog this, as i don't like to talk bad about people but this is really 2 much.
Anyway read on.

Update: Most of the links have been taken down so....

Credit from hardwarezone CSI. Kudos to you guys... not that i know what it means anyway.

Here is the link:

People can get the links and proofs needed from the link pasted above.

Here is one of the extract:
Credit HWZ CSI and Ferolare Blog.

“Hahahahah! I double-6-ed so many downloaders~ serve them right! (o.o)y”
xysing, Dated: 1 Aug 2007, Timed 2.38am

Did some research on this term "double-6-ed" and from what i concluded, it is usually a phrase used in the game confrontation, see also this link.
So what does it means?

Extracted from:

Basically it means in the game term: instant kill of the target should the 2 dice thrown land out as a 6.

Oh and before i forget... here is the Digg article on this..

Update: Seems like the digg page was taken down. o_O

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